So true. We had an "old school elder" in my old hall
many moons ago and he used to pull me aside and
as one elder to another critique my prayers that I gave
at the Hall.
Sour Grapes
in the last few years that i served as an elder, and as i was discovering what the wts really was, the term "old school" would be used and it began to bother me more and more.
it was usually used to praise a person with a mean, unwaivering, dogmatism to an obselete policy.
a couple of times i would ask the person what he meant by the term.
So true. We had an "old school elder" in my old hall
many moons ago and he used to pull me aside and
as one elder to another critique my prayers that I gave
at the Hall.
Sour Grapes
i first began my misadventures with jehovah's witnesses in 1972 as a youth(18 years old) and was baptised in that same year.
i was young inexperienced and they caught me at a low point when i was weak and looking for god to solve problems.
being raised as a catholic and going to all the religious indoctrination up to the point of confirmation, i guess you could say i was indoctrinated from birth to believe a certain way which left me vulnerable to the jw propaganda.. fast foreword to the time of my departure in 2001 february.. for a couple of years (late 90s) before i left i started noticing out right lies in the wt publications about their history and the luster that these magazines used to have started to fade rapidly also around that time i really began to notice the gobs and gobs of praise they were bestowing on the organization and the representative members of the so called faithful & discrete slave(gb).
Nice post. The Faithful Slave is put on the same level as Jehovah.
Last week after the Watchtower Study the conductor said how
nice it is to sit and eat at Jehovah's table. The Watchtower is
the holy Koran of the JW's and the Faithful Slave is quoted more
than God's Word.
This just makes me Sour Grapes
not sure if i ever shared this...but have seen several "sharing" threads here lately and it motivated me..... when i met with the co and po about some doubts and an important question....and when i got the co's answer.....i could not speak....i put my head down and just started crying...not sobbing cause i fought it back...finally the only words to come out were..."i am going to have to leave my wife and son"....and they were like wtf?...but in jw lingo of course.
see i knew in that instant...that very moment....that i had been lied to my entire life...and my stack of doubts i had been piling on the shelf and waiting on jehovah were all valid....and i knew i would never fit in again...not even with my wife and son...that i would never be the spiritual head they needed and wanted.....that was almost 4 years time flies...and i am separated from my jw wife...and yep...i did not fit in...not even with her...and my son is older now and moved out but we are not close.
btw...i had printed out all 12 places in rev.
Thanks for sharing OOMPA.
Sour Grapes
my mom got a call from a friend who told her the 3/09 study wt has new light on the annointed.
anyone in the know?
Why doesn't the WTBS just report numbers that are
going down? Who could prove them wrong?
Sour Grapes
to the best of my knowledge if.
10857 is the latest number for memorial partakers then you have to go back to 1967 to get a higher number, 10981.. i wonder why they they don't print this in the january magazine anymore.. will they omit it even from the printed yearbook and only leave it as an mp3 online download?.
I think that many Witnesses do not want to live in a Paradise
earth run by elders and if they have a chance to go to heaven
that they will take it.
Sour Grapes
it just drives me crazy when the brothers giving the public.
talk on sunday morning will say "the june 1, 1984 watchtower.
on page 10 paragraph 6 says........" the witnesses, in my.
It just drives me crazy when the brothers giving the public
talk on Sunday morning will say "the June 1, 1984 Watchtower
on page 10 paragraph 6 says........" The Witnesses, in my
estimation put more faith in the Watchtower than in God's
Word. I have heard various ones talking about a subject when
a question comes up. What I hear is "well what does the
Watchtower say?" I don't hear "well what does the Bible say?"
The Watchtower has ruined my sex life. The Bible says nothing
forbidding oral sex, but the Watchtower does. My wife will quote
the Watchtower articles to me how wrong it is. The Bible says
nothing about blood transfusions, but the Watchtower does,
with the results of thousands of Witnesses dieing needlessly.
All of this just makes my brain bleed.
Sour Grapes
as we enter into a new decade, it might make sense to look back to view the progress than mankind has made in these last days.. about 200 years ago everyone on the planet lived on the modern day equivalent of about $400 a year.
the exceptions were tiny nobilities.
Thanks Zarco--good post. I agree so much. My mother
often tells me that we must be so close to the end because
of the bad conditions we live in. I tell her I think that conditions
were worse during WWI and WWII.
Sour Grapes
i asked my mother today, who is in her late.
80's, if she ever thought that she would ever.
get this old and see 2010 on this side of the.
The Witchtower Babel and Trick Society have
blood on their hands and are responsible for the
dumbing down of millions of people who check
in their brains outside the KH before they go
thru the doors and then they forget to pick them
up when they go home.
Sour Grapes
i asked my mother today, who is in her late.
80's, if she ever thought that she would ever.
get this old and see 2010 on this side of the.
I asked my mother today, who is in her late
80's, if she ever thought that she would ever
get this old and see 2010 on this side of the
Great Tribulation? She had a very sad look
in her eyes and they teared up and said "No."
She said that when she was studing to come into
the truth in the late 1950's that she was
told then that the end was close and that her
son would not even graduate from high school.
(PS: I graduated in the mid 1960's) She
has lived the last 55 years of her life dreaming
of the future while ignoring the present. She
gave up living her life in the present for a life
in Paradise. Now at her age she can not say
that she was wrong to believe what she does
because that would be admitting that she
believed in a lie.
Sour Grapes
if you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that.
you will never grow old in this present system of things... .all evidence in fulfillment of bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt system is due to end in a few years... as a young person you will never fulfill any career that this system offers.
if you are in high school and thinking about a college education, it means at least four, perhaps even six or eight more years to graduate into a specialized career.
Your post was well written and appreciated. I also never
got to ride on the elephant and pet the lion that were in all
of the pretty pictures in the Watchtower rags. It is surprising
how many modern day Witnesses don't even know of the
1975 hysteria and now 35 years later they are doing it
Sour Grapes